About Me

One of my favorite Christmas presents was my mom's old manual typewriter and a "how to type" book - in third grade. I've been writing and typing ever since.

My Latest Work

Save Time, Money, and Headaches: Outsource Your Training Design

It’s 2024, and your workforce is more spread out than ever. Some employees work hybrid schedules, while others are fully remote. Pre-2020, your training sessions were all in-person. But when COVID hit, you pressed pause, thinking the lockdowns wouldn’t last long. You planned to resume in-person sessions once everything calmed down.However, reality set in, and you realized that your team is scattered across various locations. So, what did you do? You sent out your old PowerPoint presentation as t...

From Passive to Active: How Flipped Learning Transforms Training

The flipped classroom model has gained significant traction in education and training over the past decade. Originally popularized in K-12 and higher education, this innovative approach is also used in corporate training. By reversing the traditional learning process, the flipped classroom model enhances engagement, facilitates deeper understanding, and can be particularly effective in a corporate environment where time and efficiency are crucial.The flipped classroom model turns the traditional...

Comic Relief: The Fun (and Functional) Side of Comics in Technical Writing and Instructional Design

Who says technical writing and instructional design have to be dry and dull? Enter comics—the superheroes of the communication world. Yes, comics, those colorful, action-packed strips that used to entertain you on Sunday mornings, are now swooping in to save the day. But how did comics make their way into such serious business? Let’s take a fun look at the history, application, and surprising benefits of using comics in these fields.Comics aren’t just for kids, and they haven’t been for quite so...

Master the Art of Editing Technical Documents: A Step-by-Step Guide

Technical documents are essential tools that communicate complex information clearly and effectively. Whether it’s a user manual, a research report, a technical specification, or a software guide, the quality of these documents can significantly impact the user’s understanding and experience. Editing technical documents is not just about correcting grammar and punctuation; it is a critical step that ensures accuracy, clarity, consistency, and usability. Let’s review why editing technical documen...

Securing Buy-In and Building an Effective Process for your KMS

This is the second post of a three-part series regarding Knowledge Management. The first post is KM and Workplace Transitions, and the third is Choosing a KMS Tool: Which Way to Go?
Deciding to implement a Knowledge Management System (KMS) in your office is a smart move—if done right, it can save your organization both time and money. Research shows that organizations with a properly-working KMS improve their overall productivity by 20 to 25 percent. However, before diving into the sea of availa...

Embracing Blended Learning: The Best of Both Worlds

Imagine a training approach that combines the best of both worlds—traditional face-to-face instruction and the flexibility of online learning. This is exactly what blended learning offers, bringing a fresh, dynamic, and highly effective method to education in the workplace. But blended learning isn’t just a fancy buzzword or the latest trend—it’s a game-changer that’s meeting the evolving needs of businesses and their employees alike. Let’s look at what blended learning is all about, why it’s so...

More Than Policies: Craft a Handbook That Engages and Protects

Creating an employee handbook is like laying the foundation for a successful business. When done right, it becomes a valuable resource that aligns your team, reinforces your company culture, and ensures legal compliance. Your handbook should go beyond just listing procedures and guidelines; it should also embody your company’s values, history, and mission. Crafting an effective handbook requires more than just a template and a few policies—it’s about creating a document that both informs and eng...

From Fear to Focus: Don’t Wait to Conquer Procrastination

Procrastination is a common challenge, where we often find ourselves engaging in “busy work” instead of tackling more demanding tasks. In fact, Piers Steel, author of The Procrastination Equation, found that 95 percent of us admit to procrastinating some of the time, with 20 percent considering it chronic and a defining characteristic of their personalities. Another survey reveals the average person spends over two hours each day procrastinating, costing businesses over $27 billion annually. Let...

A Journey Through the Ages: Celebrating World Distance Learning Day

We just celebrated World Distance Learning Day—a day dedicated to the fine art of learning from the comfort of your own home, in your pajamas, possibly with a cup of coffee that’s more foam than actual caffeine. Before we revel in today’s digital marvels, let’s hop into our time machine and take a jaunt down memory lane to see how distance learning evolved from quill and ink to clicking “Join Meeting” on Zoom.

The Birth of Distance Learning: When Snail Mail Was Cutting-Edge
Our story begins in...

How a Disaster Recovery Plan Can Save Your Documents—and Your Company

Every day, businesses large and small face a multitude of threats that can disrupt their operations. Whether it’s a natural disaster, a cyberattack, or your hardware decides to quit on you unexpectedly, these events can cause real headaches if you’re not prepared. One key to managing and mitigating these threats is having a disaster recovery plan (DRP) in place, especially when it comes to your documentation. Sure, putting together a DRP might seem like a daunting task, but trust me, when disast...

Why Green is the New Gold Standard in Employee Training

Incorporating sustainability into training programs is no longer just a trend — it’s becoming a must for organizations looking to stay on the right side of history and business. In fact, 80 percent of workers around the world want to help their company operate sustainably. As global environmental goals get stricter and corporate responsibility becomes more than just a buzzword, companies are feeling the heat. And while it might seem like a daunting task, integrating sustainability into employee...

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